To amuse our patrons we commissioned a series of head pieces based on our smiley face logo; designed by my Goldsmiths buddy Nick Marsh. The results were ridiculous…
To amuse our patrons we commissioned a series of head pieces based on our smiley face logo; designed by my Goldsmiths buddy Nick Marsh. The results were ridiculous…
This is the text for my contribution to the Diesel Radio show programme hosted by Matthew Stone and friends. I recited this piece of free verse over a beautiful track by Stars of the Lid. The audio version is on my Tumblr - I’ve included the text below: This is the time. This is the time expectant. This is our time. When our DNA is unencrypted and the data uploaded Read More ...
There is only one place I could launch my new k-tron live project; Destroy Culture. The first DC was an unprecedented mindfuck. Genres were wilfully ignored, bodily fluids were spilt and I got that shiver down my spine that tells me “this party is going to be massive” CHECK THE DESTROY CULTURE BLOG FOR THE LOWDOWN ON THE HALLOWEEN SPECIAL.
Teaming up with photographer Alana Lake I have published my creative work on a dedicated blog archive, I will posting some of my favourites on this site but to explore my creative writing and collaborative art projects check out this link: WE ARE LIKE DISNEYLAND BLOG Being asked to read some of my poetry at the London Literary Festival was a supreme thrill, here is some of the publicity material and Read More ...
If you want more of my history check out this in depth interview from the people behind the Goodness Greatness blog: READ THE PIECE CLICK HERE
This has to be the lamest and most amusing piece in my personal press book, my quote about Kate Moss’s hair is a total fabrication! I enjoyed this day though, especially the lunch I had with Millie Brown afterward in the rather ridiculous look I’d picked for the day.
When Orlan, French art icon and one of my favourite women on the planet granted me an interview I was blown away by her vision and intelligence. Here is the article as it appeared in print for your pleasure. CLICK TO ENLARGE.
A video for the song Monsters written by notorious K-tron project the “Kill for Kicks” directed by illustrator and film maker Brenda Badchild.
All You Can Eat hit NYC hard and weird, taking our very London party to a little dive in Midtown Manhattan was risky, but fun. This is the teaser we used to tempt the NYC revellers. Enjoy, pictures to follow.